{4:54 minutes to read} Oftentimes, the demands of everyday living make us forget about protecting our most valuable asset, ourselves. We protect our identity, our homes, vehicles, phones, appliances, etc. without thinking twice about it. Our day is filled with the to-dos of today, the plans for tomorrow and the regrets of yesterday, but when… Read More
{3:36 minutes to read} What will my tax bill look like in 2017 under the new president? In the past weeks, I have been asked this question many times. If you are also pondering this question, let’s recap in more detail some of the tax changes Mr. Trump proposed. In addition to Trump’s plan, we… Read More
{4:36 minutes to read} Being a self-employed entrepreneur or small business owner can be exciting and frightening all at the same time. It is good to be the one who is calling the shots, but it is difficult to keep your fingers on all the necessary pulses so that you and/or your business thrive. One… Read More
{4:36 minutes to read} Everyone is familiar with the expression “living from paycheck to paycheck.” And most of us know people who are actually living from paycheck to paycheck, including ourselves in some cases. What you may find surprising, however, is that it doesn’t really matter what your income is. Most believe this lifestyle is… Read More