The focus of this article is to highlight how the owners of pass-through entities are impacted under the new tax rules. Though the intent of the law is to simplify your tax reporting requirement, this has not yet been achieved for businesses with pass-through entity income. Before we get into the details, this year planning… Read More

{5 minutes to read}  We are already in the heat of summer; yet the atmosphere surrounding the unknown impact of the new tax law still creates a chilly feeling. While you may just want to wait to see, that is, be more reactive in nature, we don’t suggest you do that as the new tax… Read More

{7:12 minutes to read}  ​It has been said this is the biggest tax overhaul of the last seven decades; most of us may not have experienced the last one. From a high level overview, notwithstanding the fact that certain individual itemized expenses will be increased, combined & capped, or eliminated, lower income individuals will have… Read More

*Due to the weekly changes and updates to the proposed tax law, some of this article’s content may have changed. Once the law is passed, we will update you. {7:06 minutes to read} Now that each chamber of Congress has met, i.e. the House and the Senate, we now await the final verdict regarding how they… Read More

{8:48 minutes to read} There’s something different about entering the month of November, in my opinion. I believe it is due to how close November is to the end of the year. It’s that penultimate month. November allows us to pause and rethink where we have been and where we would like to be before… Read More

“Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us.” –  Richard I. Winwood    {4:42 minutes to read} Hope you are enjoying the warm sunny days of the season. I can’t help but wonder, is it just me,… Read More

“Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us.” –  Richard I. Winwood    {5:12 minutes to read} Hope you are enjoying the warm sunny days of the season. I can’t help but wonder, is it just me,… Read More

{4:18 minutes to read} In our last article, we looked at the various types of personal insurance an individual should have in order to protect their most valuable asset: themselves. In this blog, we look at the various insurance policies we should have when we are a business owner.… Read More